Sunday, June 28, 2015

Oxford University Press Submits To Shariah Law – Bans ‘Pork’

It has just been revealed that the Oxford University Press has banned children’s book authors from using the words pig, pork, sausage, or any other pig-related words so that Muslim readers will not be offended.
Yes, you read that correctly: the top book publisher in the world is submitting to Shariah law by banning the word “pork.” They are also going through and deleting references to pork and pigs in older classics as well.
“I’ve got a letter here that was sent out by OUP to an author doing something for young people,” said TV host Jim Naughtie, whose wife Eleanor Updale is working with Oxford on an educational book series. “Among the things prohibited in the text that was commissioned by OUP was the following: Pigs plus sausages, or anything else which could be perceived as pork.”

This crap has to stop. Give me pork any day of the week..........Rob



Vicki said...

I understand that this article came from England, but we are just as nuts here. I wonder what it will take for us to stop bending over backwards to avoid offending those who believe that beheading Christians is OK. Me...think I'll have a ham sandwich for lunch.

Rev. Paul said...

Three of us ate a dozen brauts for lunch yesterday, and we might grill some more today.

Rob said...

Of course to help celebrate the 4th of July we are going to have pulled pork.

Allah bless or crap GOD BLESS THE USA. BIG EVIL GRIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!