Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Hell Yea !!!!

I may have never fired any kind of weapon, BUT as a true red blooded AMERICAN its my duty to help fight in some way shape or form. Be it reloading clips, magazines, rolling bandages, flightline or even a driver I will help come hell or high water.

Our country has become way too soft. Some of you may not like TRUMP, but he is saying what the PEOPLE want to hear. I am not endorsing, but he speaks the truth. Strange the US put all those Japanese Americains in camps, but as soon as amyone suggest stopping musliums the whole world has a fight.

Stay Viligaint, the world is out to get any American....



Rev. Paul said...

Well said, Rob. I'm too old to run & gun, and have no remaining Rambo-esque fantasies. But give me a fixed emplacement or perch and a good rifle, and I'll ... well, you know.

Vicki said...

I'm right there with you. Even chubby grannies can find ways to help.

K said...

Add another to the roster. I'll backpack into an observation post, and report my findings, or other dastardly deeds.

Rob said...

Its amazing how many folks will step up when the chips are down. A local radio station yesterday was talking about how soft America has been come with fast everything. You don;t need to work up a sweat anymore. No one wants to work hard. My sons have had jobs making $12 to $14 hr to start and the employers have a high turn over.

My sons have used those jobs to find different jobs one within the company the other a different job with a different company.
How many kids go to college now for a sheep skin vs learning a "trade" and have a heavy student loan debt,

Tewshooz said...

Exercise your second amendment right and get a firearm and become proficient in its use. Be ready to defend yourself and your family when the time comes. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

Mike Yukon said...

I’m old, still mobile and I’m very angry with our government for the way they’re not handling issues that are wrecking our country. So in the words of Mills Lane, the boxing referee, “Lets Get It On!”

Also, did you know the Pres Carter banned Iranians from entering the USA during the hostage holding??? I is a law created and used by the Dem’s.

Rob said...

Mike I heard that on Fox News. Remember that the Dummycrates,have to have it their way or no way.