Tuesday, March 7, 2017

It Was The 6th Of March ???

Here is why I'm asking. Instead of snow today we had a thunderstorm, that dropped hail, lots of hail some the size of golf balls. We had no damage but a car we saw, not far from our place, had its back window blown out, after the hail hit the car.

My CAP meeting was cancelled because the storm was moving towards the airport we met at. Found out this morning that north of us there was storm damage in another county. This morning we had some snow overnight less then an inch, but we are having heavy winds up to 55 mph. Had that T-storm been snow, we have a blizzard going. Our temps went from 67 at the height of the storm, to roughly 28 this morning.

I did have some photo's I wanted to share, but Blogger won't let me post them. I will work on it and try again maybe with a different posting. I'm not shocked at this weather, why?? Because its March in Minnesota, and anything can happen. 
With the high winds and everything dried out, officials are worried about brush fires. Like I said only in MN, and in March.

Well my friends that's it from here, in this crazy state..Stay Safe.........Rob



Rev. Paul said...

It's -5° F. here, north of Anchorage, going all the way up to 12 today. Or so they say. Lots of blue skies & sunshine. The volatile weather patterns all y'all experience down there are a big part of why we stay up here.

Srsly though, stay safe.

Rob said...

This is the first time since 1968 we had thunderstorm in March...I'll take this over California Earthquakes, and Florida Hurricanes any day...

hobo said...

We had lightening 2 days ago.... and snow... shocker, I know. ;^) More snow overnight that stuck but for most of the day it has been melting upon impact. It has been in the low 20's for night and mid-40's for the day. The saying around Idaho is that if you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes and it will change..... it's still snowing..... hahaha

Be safe!

Suz said...

We had 50+ mile an hour wind gusts, with steady winds of 25-30 all day today. Last night we had heavy winds and rain, only a little thunder though. Folks south of Grand Rapids lost power, but we didn't. Although, I wondered if we would. The house shook a couple of times, and it is made of brick! Was cloudy this morning, then all blew off to the east and was very pretty sunshine. Got so hot sitting in my car doing charting at lunch that I had to crack the sunroof and a window. But I know that Spring in on the way...I saw 4 robins and 3 different road work sites today. First sign of Spring...orange work zone signs :)

Rob said...

Spring after all is the battle of winter vs summer

Rob said...

Suz Thanks for stopping by...MNDOT got an early jump in the Metro by closing 169 for 9 months to replace 6 miles of bridge. Here in Cokato Hwy 12 to be resurfaced, but MNDOT delayed a few years I think. Some of the small lakes around us are open...I fear what summer will bring...

Anonymous said...

Still blowing hard here. We have been 50 mph sustained winds with 67 mph gusts for the past 6 hours or so. At least we didn't get the snow.....! Redder

Rob said...

Redder Nice to hear from you. Its still blowing here, 36 hrs now...wild

Jacked Up Glock Mom said...

I would blame the Russians, but now I think it is the CIA.. : )

Weather is wonky everywhere. Pollen down here is horrible, my car looks like a sick dark green from it.

Mike Yukon said...

I know your weather is unpredictable up there. Every year me and my fishing buddies made our annual fishing trip to Leach Lake at the end of May. One year we had to break up 10-12 feet of ice from the shore out so we could get the boats onto the lake.
I'm sure you'll have many more weird weather days ahead! :-)

Rob said...

Most small to medium size lakes are open already. Summer may rock and roll with storms or be hot....

Rob said...

Mike its just nuts. Some lakes are open. Temps this week dive again to 7 degrees over night. When we moved back 4 yrs ago, we had to wait until May because of all the snow that kept falling...6 yrs in Fla...rusty winter driving skills