Monday, October 30, 2017

Times Flies,,,

And so does the snow. Diffidently time to change the way we think about doing everything now. Before now you ran outside jumped in the car and off you go. Now we check the temp outside add more layers, warm up the car, I make sure everyone has a coat on, not just a sweat shirt. Sam has his snow pants, winter coat, gloves. All he needs is boots.

The other day when we had snow, my youngest son Scott had him out running around in the wet snow. He had a blast make that both of them. My boys, all 3 are taking Sammy out treat er treating. The temps are spose to be the coldest in 10 years.

The best thing about winter, is all the baking we can do and not worry about the house being too hot. i could list our favorites, but It would just cause me to drool.

On another topic, I'm at a cross roads with my CAP unit. Won't get long winded, but I either take time away from  my unit, or check out transferring to a different unit. Travel time the same. Just frustrated that issues are taking way to long to get corrected. My decision not only effects me, but my two sons also. Where dad goes they want to go with me. I am seeking prayers and answers on this one. Other then that life is good. Health of the family is good, roof over the heads, food on the table. heat running out of the furnace.

Stay Warm Everyone and Alert....Rob

P.S don't get me started on politics, we all know that's much too ugly 


Harry Flashman said...

Been cold down here too. CAP was ok with me until the Air Force took the plane away. I bagged it then.

Rob said...

Air Force has been giving CAP money for new planes every year. Our unit had one that was factory fresh. It flew from KS to St Paul checked over and flown to us. had like 18 hrs on it. MN Wing rotates them every 100 flying time for maintenance, My issue is lack of leadership from the top of our unit