Tuesday, August 21, 2018


While I'm no expert it all things political, I have come to the conclusion that we, Theses United States of America are going through a new civil war. While we don't wear uniforms of blue and gray, we are still at war. A war on many fronts. We have the LEFT/Socialists, and assocated groups trying to bring down our country

The Russians are still trying to control our up coming mid term elections. Unclear to help the right or left? Bottom line they just want to screw the US up. Add the Iranians, the Chinese/North Korea, and every other 3rd world shit for brains leader. Life seems to be going GREAT, but I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. My trust in many outside of my close nit family is growing more weary.

Every day my way of thinking is changing.  I still don't talk with my neighbors. We have lived here for close to 6 years. I don't trust anyone of them. My problems are mine, yours are yours don't tell me yours I don't care. I have to remind some of my adult children of that. Its not their problems, but those of their friends. I DON'T CARE, DAD IS BEING AN ASSHOLE.

I also have been thinking of buying a hand gun or rifle. While I never have had a strong desire to own any kind of weapon, my thinking has changed. I don't know if its the fact my oldest is now a LEO. Maybe I'm being told to prepare. I know that my home will not stand up to any kind of weapon, I have a gut feeling. I also saw a poll talking about which states have the most gun, Alaska was #1, MN was number 17 with a 3rd of us owning at lest some thing  I don't have the link, but it was from CBS News.

Well my trolls have gone away it seems funny when you limited their access they crawl back under their rocks.  Well my friends I have some chores to do. I went back to CAP after being gone a month. We are getting more new members again. This is good. Getting both Adults and kids. I have to start paperwork to order new bling as I call it.

Stay Safe.............Rob


Rev. Paul said...

I think many, many folks are in the same social situation as you, give-or-take certain circumstances. Do whatever you need to do to protect yourself & your family.

Jess said...

I know many people don't like, are afraid of them, or never thought they had a reason to have a firearm. In reality, unless you hunt, or target practice, a firearm for protection spends most time doing nothing. If one is needed, and you don't have one, the necessity usually demands an action to prevent injury to yourself, or another. At that time, the reality of how dangerous the world is become glaringly apparent.

Rob said...

Plus more time in prayer..

Rob said...

Jess I'm leaning to letting the son handle all that. He is going to get live fire training soon. He is a CSO and doesn't handle any weapons, but at the same time he is with officers who carry. He was told by a friend (during ride along) he could have the shoot gun, she wanted the AR and her hand gun.

Peteforester said...

Funny you said this. I just read an e-mail from an over-the-rainbow Liberal, who also feels civil war is coming. She feels Trump is the root of all evil. She sounds like Rachael Maddow... The scary thing is that she's otherwise intelligent; so sad... There are essentially two separate populations living within the same borders; that, if you don't count the 12-20 million man invasionary force they call "undocumented immigrants." My guess is that it's only a matter of time before someone starts something that just won't stop.

It seems no one talks to their neighbors anymore. There's no community. There's no unity; no strength in numbers. This country is in deep trouble right now. That little voice in your gut telling you to prepare; that's God talking. Listen to God! Life seemed to be "going great" for the passengers on the Titanic, too!

Get a gun. The safer you feel, the more you let your guard down, and the more danger you're in. A gun is like a fire extinguisher; something you pray you'll never need to use, but if needed, nothing else will do. If you're worried about close-in defense, go for a shotgun. They're cheap, and so are their rounds. What's better, you only need to be "close" when aiming one! Racking a round in one of those things makes the universally understood "Move, and you DIE!" sound, which will likely save you from actually having to fire it!

Everyone feels something in the air. Be ready...

Gorges Smythe said...

You didn't ask for advice, so take this for what it's worth to you. If I were going to get a gun for survival, it would be a .22 rifle, and it would still have some use for defense. For defense only, I'd get a 9MM that would take high capacity magazines. I'd also get a concealed carry permit.

Rob said...

I am getting to be not surprised by my feelings or gut check anymore. Too many folks don't want to be bothered anymore with the guy next door. All mind work hard for their money. Its not like it was back in my childhood. Too many folks are quick to call the police, over stupid stuff.

Rob said...

I didn't think about asking for advice. I think my sons PD they have glocks. My Dad has two.