Sunday, September 16, 2018

Going Dark

Short post tonight. I am seriously thinking of going dark. No more blog. I know Harry tossed in the towel yesterday. My writing is just not that great. I grow tired of having to block the LIBERAL LEFT who keep getting under my skin. It does not matter if its my blog or over the airwaves. I have grown tired of the lying being toss around.

So many other issues are ignored by both sides, it just a shame. I don't get my way so I throw a crying fit. OK I will play that game. I'm crying and throwing a fit.

So for the last time...Stay Safe My Friends

The LEFT has silenced my freedom of speech.



Gorges Smythe said...

Sorry to hear it. I'd just discovered you recently. Good blogs are getting harder to find every day. Sometimes I feel like not fooling with it either. I've backed off my efforts on Fascistbook some. Then I wonder if we're letting them win by just withdrawing into our shell.

Phil said...

I refuse to give them the satisfaction.
As a matter of fact, I just upgraded my Wordpress blog from the free version to a pay for one.
I plan on sticking it to them until they storm the castle and I am forced to fight them hand to hand once I run out of ammo.
Do not go gently into the night my friend, it is what they are desperately counting on.

Rev. Paul said...

The only power they have over you is whatever you allow them to have. If you want to write (and I'd like to see you continue, and think you should), then please write. We're still here, and we still read your posts. Good, solid men of character are harder to find everyday. Noli sinere nothos te opprimere.

Rob said...

What we lose in the fire, you will find amongst the ashes

Mike Yukon said...

I can’t blame you, the left is simply nuts including their media. They are emboldened by the fact they are never held accountable for what they say or do. This lack of accountability attracted more sub-humans to be stupid.

However, there may be a ray of hope nearing, it’s the fact that the six-figure Millennial’s and Gen-Xer’s will wake-up when the dem’s are in complete power, then their tax rates will go back to 80-90% to fund the sub-humans.

As for you, not a bad idea to pull the plug and spend the time you had been spending online with your family planning your lives to live comfortably during the troubled times ahead, and they are coming.

And by all means, keep prepping more now than ever. Get a couple years of rice, beans and oatmeal etc put away, something to eat is far better than nothing to eat. Get everything you have paid for. Trump will not be re-elected, the left has all the power to throw the election. If we loose the House in 7 weeks they will get rid of him by impeachment or worse almost immediately and the tax cuts will be revoked.

Hope your home documents have been straightened out.

If your lights go out here’s my e-mail

Good luck,

Tewshooz said...

Please don't let the left win by stopping the blog. You are playing into their hands. Freedom is worth more than is everything to us and our country. Keep up the fight until we defeat the filth on the left.

Rob said...

Thanks for all the voices of support to keep blogging. I still think going dark maybe the best thing for the time being. If you want to stay in touch my email is posted.

Vicki said...

I really hate to see you go, but understand. Stay in touch, my friend. You have my email. Let me know how you and the family are from time to time.

Tewshooz said...

Today Evil has won another round, sad.

Rob said...

I will be around

chloe said...

Haha that's funny. You will get defeated ! Trump can return to his porn mates .

Rob said...

chloe your a real loser, and one of the reasons I'm no longer posting.

chloe said...

Haha oh I've so much Power ? You're have no interesting things to tell that's why you will stop and the 3 people who comment lol funny stuff.

Irish said...

Chloe can’t even articulate a sentence. Stay blogging Rob there are lots of lurkers. Leave the trolls up just don’t feed them. You can let your audience take care of them. It’s usuall good banter.

Rob said...

Irish Thanks for stopping by. I decided to just block them, Let them starve...