Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Hum Drum

Its a typical MN fall. Warm during the day..(50's) cold at night. 20 this morning  Frost covered the cars. The farmers are out in force, harvesting corn, and soy. Tilling the feilds getting ready for the winter. This past weekend seems like every farm had tractors running about.

The election is less then two weeks away. I think just about everyone will be happy its done for two years. Of course the left will still be crying until 2020. I watched the local news last night for the first time in a long time. Guess what nothing has changed. No hurry to watch again, until that white stuff starts up.

I see the leadership of the LEFT was getting pipe bombs, more or less. I think maybe they sent them to themselves. and are trying a desperate attempt to swing voters to feel sorry for them. After all its Trumps fault that the country is better off.

Didn't win the Lotto, but again I don't play either. I don't think my family bought any tickets. Its wonderful to dream about what to do with the winnings. Buying a large chunk of land, building several home on it was almost the number one thing we would do. We would diffently build a large underground "garage" for our stash er our cars. That would be 6 houses on say couple hundred acres.
If their was not enough trees and bushes, plant a live in peace. Travel was another dream. Maybe Europe but very limited areas. I would like to walk the beaches of Normandy. Finally visit Pearl Harbor. I believe an old instructor maybe laid to rest there, as he was at Pearl on 12/7/41.

Well my friends, stay safe and warm. Until next time....Rob


Gorges Smythe said...

Days here are about the same as yours, nights are a bit warmer. I think you're right on the bombs, though the deep state might frame some conservative. Maybe you should buy just ONE ticket! - lol

Jess said...

Travel is on my mind too. The wife, and I, realize there is so much to see within our state. We hope to travel short trips, enjoy the history, and relish the quiet solitude we find travelling.

Rob said...

They did buy a ticket last week. We don't gamble at all. Went to an Indian Casino once. Walked around saw all the nut cases, played $2.50 I said to my wife, well that was fun..Not . never been back.

hobo said...

Lovely scenery brought about by the cold spell, but the past couple of weeks it has been misleading. Mid-60's, even topped into the 70's. But the mornings will set you straight as to what's around the corner at a brisk 32F!

Gotta love the Indian Summers!

Rob said...

I saw so many folks get off their vacation flights when I worked at an airline, they looked like hell. Many had to be back to work the next day. We always had a day or two at home before we had to go back to work or school Traveling is fun. I love to drive vs flying. So much too see from point A to point B

Rob said...

Yep we had ours. 71 the other day. Now to get through the next 5 or 6 months.