Monday, November 19, 2018


Racism is a word tossed around faster then tokens at a Vegas slot machine. IMHO, I don't care what color your skins is, be it black, white, orange, purple, green, camouflage. It all boils down to stupidity. Why stupidity??, because you are so stupid to know any better.. stupid people keep doing stupid things, or saying stupid stuff. Smart folks make a mistake, if you keep doing the same stuff over and over again, guess what?? That makes you stupid.

Just stop and think about that and let it sink in a bit. The black or what ever color you want to use, vote lady, down in Fla. Claims RACISM. No lady its not because your black , its because your STUPID. Who ever thought sticking a paper clip in the start button on a vote counting machine, was a smart idea?? That was just a STUPID idea. Lets count this pile of votes, I know we counted them already, No one will notice...Wrong Stupid.

You have seen the videos of folks trying to out run the police. It don't matter what color your skin is, your doing something STUPID, and you got caught, STUPID. Oh I will just steal this or that from the store. OK you cant afford to buy a new one, guess what Stealing or Shoplifting is STUPID. Now you get Joe Nobody needs money for what ever he thinks is important. Hey I will sell some pot to make money. Well, your STUPID for selling as you will get caught, and your buyer is STUPID, as he thinks it makes him...(fill in the blank). Guess what it makes you STUPID.

Just remember some folks we elect are stupid people. The smart ones get the job done. The stupid one cry racism.  Stop think, I mean really think. .Are you smart by doing the right thing?? or just being stupid and making a stupid mistake??

Stay Warm, Keep your powder dry, .....Rob


Gorges Smythe said...

The problem is that you can't fix stupid, because stupid people think they're smarter than the rest of us.

Jess said...

Brenda Snipes is far from stupid. She's a criminal, with criminal ties, and should be in jail. Anyone that trusts her is stupid, and it appears that describes the majority of living voters in Broward County, Florida.

Rob said...

Yep, you can't fix stupid that for sure

Rob said...

I agree, but that may never happen. That's why she cry's racism. Blacks toss that racism card faster then any other group