Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Little Too Close

This tornado was 20 miles or so south of us. We had heavy rain at the time at our house. My son who lives south of us came over for a while during the time this was on the ground. My other two kids in Hutchinson are safe storm formed over them before touching down. My whole family is safe.

Needless to say it was a little too close for comfort. Time to change up our preps. Better late then never. I need to get fresh batteries, and candles.
Local new coverage

Stay Safe my friends......Rob


Vicki said...

Glad you and yours are OK. The storm mostly went north of us, so all we got was a little rain.

Rob said...

Thanks. I added local news clip of the storm. some damage but it could have taken out most of Silver Lake. Didn't know about storm until Youngest called and said Sirens going off...It had been raining most of the day. Took me by surprise. Warnings normally go out early. This just kind of like I'm here.