Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Answer This Riddle.......

When you are in the military, your 3/4 of the way done with your training.. You receive instructions stating keep a go back packed. Is that part of the training at this point..OR, is something in the wind??



Mike Yukon said...

It may be necessary to quarantine entire cities and all the available military people are the only ones who could accomplish that.

Rob said...

I understand that part. Being the fact he is so new. I would think he would go as a back up to cover open slots at a base

sbrgirl said...

I can't remember anything like this when my son completed basic training. Maybe they have some exercises that requires them to grab their bags at a moment's notice?

Rob said...

Several friends have told me at this point certain MOS's need to be ready to deploy. One friend is a retired Army Officer.

Peteforester said...

I was at a factory training class for a certain piece of network equipment at the start of the Iraq/Afghanistan fiasco. The guy next to me was a Marine. He said they were taking people who were in training for "critical rates" (Radioman, hospital corpsman, etc), and were saying "You're done" and sending them off to the front.

I'm retired military. We never had to have a go bag ready, neither in boot camp nor rate training...

Rob said...

Thank you sir for the info and your service to our country.

Anonymous said...

If you are in a unit that can be mobilized to deploy then yes, you are required to have a bag ready and they will have "MOB lines" for inspection to ensure you have everything required. For Navy, I recall some of the folks I served with having a 'Sea Bag' of the same sort I just described.