Friday, March 20, 2020

End Of The Week Update.

Just about everything is now shut down. No school. No church services, all barber shops are closed. All the malls are closed as is our big one Mall of America. All restaurants are closed if they can't do take out or drive thru. So far only 2 have closed.  The stores close now around 8 to 830 pm. So they can clean and stock. Walmart closed their tire centers so those employees can help clean and stock the store.

We did get a chance to pick up some more things, At the market, 4 loafs of bread, 2 gal milk, case bottled water, their shelves are getting restocked. Today would have been the first time they had dry stores delivered from the warehouse in Minneapolis. The Pepsi bottler had 4 pallets of product including water.

Next was Dollar General. They had everything we needed but no bread/buns etc. We grabbed 2 more 4 packs of the quad rolls TP. Picked up 2 more two packs dial soap. Baby steps.  we will from now on keep restocking. If I think we don't need to pick up any thing we use it all up. 

Oh a major victory was that our van was fixed after sitting for 3 months. New battery, I picked it up, cheap vs what the garage wanted. Ordered an alternator online of course it didn't fit, so I had to pay more. to get one here in town But I was happy with the total costs. They said my wheel bearings need replacement. I can do that. and tires. I knew that too. tires first two at a time then bearings.

Looks like our schools K-12 will go to online schedule. My CAP unit like all of them nation wide are on stand down until May 11th.  They want us to keep share and be at the ready if needed,

That's it all Stay Safe




Gorges Smythe said...

Staying calm and common sense will eventually prevail, Rob. You're doing well.

Rob said...

That cutting back on caffeine..No change in our life style.

hobo said...

I'm way too cynical right now for my own good.... it's been a very long couple of weeks working in the retail sector ;^)

Sooooo.... are you starting any seeds for the garden?

Rob said...

No, We may not be able to do the garden we wanted to do. They are putting a cramp (owners) on how yards look. I do want to do tomatoes for sure. I was going to put in raised beds. The owners are cracking down on everyone about every little thing. I was told to power wash the outside of my house by the end of May. Some mold grew last summer. Well, the oldest ran to Canada faster then a draft dodger back in the 1960's and youngest went to basic training. The second oldest was working long hours as was too tired to do anything but sleep at his place. Looks like its going to me my wife, oldest daughter and GS doing it.