Friday, March 13, 2020

National Health Emergency

Well if your not ready, you maybe too late. How long have we talked about this time coming?? We are ready somewhat. Not at the point that many you are, BUT by God Almighty we are more ready then most folks. Why do people wait until its too late to do anything to be ready??

I would like to thank all of those folks how basically kicked by back side and said..Young man, you need to get your shit together. So many To thank, some who are still writing some who have stopped.

Minnesota has declared a state of emergency, like so many other states. To my many friends this will be my last post for awhile. I'm going to sit back and watch our country come unglued.

May God bless each of us, and My God Watch over his faithful. What a way to celebrate my 60th birthday. National Health Emergency on Friday the 13th...



Peteforester said...

We tried to tell 'em...

Rob said...

What?? I'm sorry I had my music up WAY TOO loud..LOl

sbrgirl said...

Happy Birthday!

Rob said...

Thank you

Mike Yukon said...

The Left, the Clinton Machine, and the Deep State will go to any extreme to get rid of President Trump, even if it means killing thousands of citizens and crashing the market.

Rob said...

Right.. Now the big NY liberal doesn't like where the virus money is being spent.