We Just Keep Prepping along like normal. Why change too much??. We already stay away from large crowds. Too much time at Disney World as a cast member and visitor. 6 years was enough of the crowds.
Went to the stores today. Picked up more TP, still have plenty at both stores. 4 more bars Dial soap, 2 more bottles liquid hand soap, 2 cans disinfectant spray, 2 more bags Tide Pods soap. This weekend getting a new car battery so while we are out, picking up more bread, and frozen bread dough just in case. Plus a few more cans of food. If the government says stay home for the next two weeks we are all set. Should be good for close to a month.
How many others outside our circle of friends can say that... Well my friends that's at it from the lake in the woods..Until next time..
Remember these words..wash your hands.....Rob
I'm sitting in about the same place. My wife will be headed over to the Air Force base tomorrow for a commissary run just to fill in a few gaps and to bolster what we already have. As for the rest of the country; ...we tried to tell you...
For years, I've usually stayed away from crowds, and kept hand sanitizer close. I've had the flu in the past, and it scared me enough to take precautions from infectious diseases.
Good work.
Great minds think alike
Well, we know who the smart ones are
Thank you.
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