Sunday, April 26, 2020

So Over Everything

I'm so done with all of this crap. You can't do this you cant go here, there, anywhere. Try explaining to a six yr old why he can't go to school. Poor GS had his weekend off..Went to school half day back in March. Now he is stuck at home with his mom and his grandparents,

You go to the grocery store have to hunt for bread, milk, TP, etc. Now these things are back in the store again, well TP is a hit and miss. If you hit the store within 24 hrs of TP coming in you stand a chance of getting something. One of the smaller stores in the next town over posted on FB, "we got three pallets TP in." I bet that was gone in 24 hrs.

I have grown so very tired of the sky is falling crowd. I understand things will get far worse before it gets better. While we should stay home we make little raiding trips to the local market to see what we can buy. rice, bread, TP what ever we can get. I'm so sick of store employees asking did you eat all that food you bought the other day?? I feel like saying my daily trips keep you employed.

Yesterday we drove to a home improvement store to find some items we needed to get. Drove in and their was a line to get in. 30 sec of not seeing the line move. That's it not shopping here. Went to the WM we always go to. While it was not as bad as the other store. It was busy. Normal Sat. Found what we needed. swing through grocery side. They had placed limit signs on the fresh meat. 

Well that set off warning signs in my head, and made me retink our next shopping trip in a few days. Instead of loading up on fresh meat to freeze. Buying more frozen right off the top. When we get home. separate into smaller portions and then freeze. 

Buying more canned goods so we have more room for frozen foods. I told the wife with the processing plants closing she better get use to eating more canned foods, I told her We even may cut down on the number of serving per person. No second helpings.
3 meals a day. Snacking is going to be limited. Going to buy the cheaper lunch meats, cheaper bread.

I don't know when I will post again. Stay Safe...

Oh the Federal money we got went into our van, so we didn't have to walk anymore or search out rides. We had planned on over stocking up on things. Well. not this time around.


Rev. Paul said...

Wow! You got the stimulus check(s)? I don't anyone else who's received anything at all. I'm glad you got your van going again.

Gorges Smythe said...

It's not just getting old, it's counter productive. Still, the dems hope to keep it going as long as possible.

Rob said...

Just about all of it went into the van..New battery, alternator. Then find out it needed both front wheel hubs replaced. two of the 4 tires so far. But when you need transportation. We get our errands done in less then 45. vs 2 1/2 hrs walking. My body got to the point I was needing to spend more time resting. That and getting sick didn't help. I was seeing my dr so much she seemed like my daughter

Rob said...

I can tell when folks had enough more people started to get out and walk.

Anonymous said...

Rob, I understand as the man of the house you have a lot of responsibility and weight on your shoulders. But man, everyday when you done all you can for that day, say a prayer and then chill. Take a walk for a few minutes then relax with music or the tv ( no news though ). Too much stress and you can wreck your blood pressure and also your ability to sleep.


Rob said...

Hey Matt, I listen to way more music now, Spotify,(88 1/2 hrs of saved music) then watching all the DVD'S I have. I Or I should say we don't watch any news. No local or national. I scan the local metro paper headlines but don't read the entire story. Plus I spend time on my hobby of airlines and airliners.

I have spent more time on my CAP work. In fact I'm waiting for finally approval for my promotion to the rank of Captain. In CAP you have to complete a level of achievement to be awarded a rank. I just completed Level 3 this month. I wont bore you with what had to be done. I lost track of the number of tests I had to take or the volumes of books I had to read, and classes needed. This Sept. will be my 6th year since I rejoined

At each level one must put in what is called time in grade. I had to wait 30 months to submit my promotion paperwork. I waited longer. MY next promotion IF I choose to achieve I have more tests to take and another leadership school, and wait 5 years time in grade. My goal has always been Captain. No desire to make Major, or Lt Col. Thanks for you concern my friend.

Fred said...

What is CAP?

Rob said...

CIVIL AIR PATROL..Auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. Established Dec 1st 1941. CAP’s wartime record ensured its postwar future. On July 1, 1946, President Harry S. Truman signed Public Law 79-476, incorporating the organization. Following the creation of the U.S. Air Force as a separate branch of the armed services, Truman signed Public Law 80-557, establishing CAP as the Air Force’s civilian auxiliary on May 26, 1948.

We have 3 parts to our mission. Aerospace Education, Cadet Program. and Emergency Services. After 9/11 CAP planes (Cessna 182) flew photo recon flights over NYC. CAP and long with the USAF where the only aircraft allowed to fly within the U.S. Here is a link.. We are volunteers No pay..

Fred said...

Nice. I had no idea that existed. Thank you for the info.