Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Triple Face Palm

After almost a month of this lock down. I have had enough of other peoples stupidity.Folks wear gloves then toss them on the ground outside the store. Locals? I don't think so. I think folks are driving around looking for places to buy stuff and take it home or wherever. 

Most of us locals are smart enough to know to keep a good distance. Every now and then you get the I'm better then you crowd. They want to be in your space at the same time as you.  I had one lady so close to me I turned my back to her. If she coughed, sneezed etc. It hit my jacket. Another time a cashier ask a gentleman to move down some as I needed to pay for my stuff...Talk about being a crab. He and his wife where in no rush. I'm keeping my 6 foot distance. The cashier just wanted him to move to the other side of his wife...

Local business are taking a hit. but most of us have adjusted. Our local clinic is changing the way they see forks almost daily. From the way you check in, to the way the Dr sees you. Some of the local ladies have sewn masks which the clinic is giving out. I saw the Dr yesterday and I know have one.  The clinic had workman putting up temporary walls. They are splitting the building in half. Respiratory on one side non on the other. Smart thinking. I told my wife if they are just doing this now 30 days in. Its going to be a long haul on this.

Our store is getting back to normal on some things, Bead is back after none for 2 days, same as milk. TP is still hit and miss. Flours are  returning too.  Some items are stocked one week, low the next. We are learning to make do. 

Well that's it for now. I have been listening to more music. Scan the online headlines, still not listening to any live news. Facts are so screwed around anyhow. 

I will post again sometime, but mostly just riding this out. Too many people are so uptight now days, If I gave them charcoal they could make diamonds.

Stay Safe...Rob


Gorges Smythe said...

When all the flour disappeared, I thought "NO WAY is all that ever going to be used!"

Rob said...

Around here we bake, elsewhere how knows. Our local Organic market brought in 25 lbs bags of flour. its nice to see stuff start to return. We went to a Walmart today depressing. Folks are either still packing buying or so many now eat at home. They either can't get the supply's or they just can't keep the shelves stocked. I know when I've look at the free curb side pick up its always no time available.