Saturday, May 2, 2020

Garden 2020

Starting out small this year. Not by choice we have a new management company running our complex. I still want to play nice and keep a low profile. I don't want to do something bigger then before and have to take it out.

                 This plant is for the memory of the Moms and Grandmas on both sides of the family. I forget the name.
                        8 beef tomato plants

                      4 green bell pepper plants

Our town is having major road with done this summer. being done in 3 parts. Plus our main high way is under going 4 months of road work.

Stay Safe Everyone........Rob


Hawken Cougar said...

The plant is a Geranium.

hobo said...

Looks good, Rob! You can still get quite a bit out of container gardening. Can't wait for fresh, homegrown produce that doesn't have the taste and texture of cardboard and styrofoam. Enjoy!

Rob said...

thank you

Rob said...

Thanks Hobo. Our temps are going to stay cool this whole month. We will be planting more. Our green houses just opened with the Gov. blessing