Saturday, June 20, 2020

I'M Not Offend, But

I'M Not Offend, But everyone else seems to be. So it seems the word "CHIEF" offends many now. If your a CEO..Chief Executive Officer, what are you called now, HEO Head Executive Officer. Maybe it should go back to what the military uses. CO Commanding Officer, XO Executive Officer.

Chief Of Police..Head Cop?? Fire Chief..Top Fireman??  What about the military?? Chief Petty Officer, is now Head Sailor??  Master Chief, Senior Master Chief??  Go with the Army has SGT Major??

Look at all the statues that are coming down now, because someone is offended.  What about the names of lakes and towns getting changed because of a raciest comment made a million years ago. Sorry Columbus Ohio, we are offended please change your name. 

It just goes on and on. Hey dad, you have to chage your name Robert sounds too much like Robber. OK Just call me old guy.

Stay Safe...ME (You know who)


Gorges Smythe said...

The problem is people are offended without even knowing the original meaning of words, not that they'd let THAT stop them!

Rob said...

A sad but true statement...

Tewshooz said...

I am offended at the stupidity of today's generation and how we allowed our kids to be brainwashed all these years.

Rob said...

Many folks blame the schools teaching. I believe the 1960;s radicals all became teachers and worked there was into the college system.