Friday, June 12, 2020


They are attacking children TV........

  Ive had enough of this crap. My GS loves Paw Patrol. I see no problem with the show. Don't get me started on Loony Toons cartoons I watched as a kid.

These other shows being taken off or removed is crazy too.

Stay Safe...Someone has opened the gates at the home for the mentally liberal.



Gorges Smythe said...

Yeah, they'd rather fill the airwaves with "cartoon" videos of scantily clad young people doing things that God tells us not to.

Vicki said...

The lunatics now run the asylum. Leave old Elmer Fudd alone, for cripe sakes. The left really can not take a joke, can they!

Rob said...

right you are

Rob said...

wait until you see my next post tomorrow...Talk about cry babies