Sunday, June 14, 2020

New Math aka Liberal Way Of Thinking.

OK, We are just coming out of a lock down this nation has never seen before. They said stay in doors, don't touch your face, don't touch each other. Don't do this, don't do that. Buy everything you need in the next 24 hrs before the lock down starts. Schools of all kinds are closed, business of all kinds are closed. If you go here to shop, we will limit the number of people inside at a time.

All our employees need to wear a mask. Customers need not do so. Our airlines, cut flights to a small fraction of the flights they had before. The planes that did fly everyone needs a mask. Passengers and crew alike. Your on a cruise ship will then your doubly screwed, you can't leave the ship cause everyone is sick, and no one wants you. You can't see family or friends.

You want to see your Dr you must wear a mask, like your going to the operating room. Can't see your DDS Even though they are just a clean as the Drs are. You can't get your hair cut, colored etc.
Our folks in the military must wear a mask, they must stay 6 feet apart. You can't eat in the cafe, here is a case of MRE move along.

YOU MUST STAY SIX FEET APART AT ALL TIMES EVERYPLACE. Don't walk down this aisle its one way now. Tickets to that summer concert, Too bad cancelled. County Fairs...Nope, State Fair nope. Beaches, swimming pools..nope.

Did anyone say or do anything??? Many maybe a few

One black guy gets killed by one idiot cop, who don't care if anyone is watching....THE WHOLE COUNTRY LOSES THEY MINDS.

Stay Safe...America is under a NEW CIVIL WAR..



deb harvey said...

All must have been planned too organized to be otherwise
Same riots in France over a thug killed by another thug

Rob said...

saw a post someplace first things they did in a wall to keep out the trouble makers lol