Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Busted His Ass For This

This is my youngest son Scott. This is Scott with a hugh grin, Scott just bought this car last Saturday. Scott has been working long hours at his job, plus almost every cent he made so far in the Army National Guard was put as a down payment for this beauty. I think he put down a couple of grand. 

Don't ask about his goofy pose.  I told him he has the nicest car in the family, I could hear his smile get even bigger.

Stay Safe....Rob


Rev. Paul said...

Congrats to Scott for the new wheels!

Suz said...

Very nice!!!

Rob said...

I saw his car yesterday, Oh My talk about nice for a small car. I could get in and out without any trouble. he is getting 33 mph gal. WOW He said the pay he gets for drill weekends will cover most of the payment. I have smart kids..

Rob said...

If I didn't need our svu, I would so look at getting one for the wife and I..With 33 mpg we'd never be hooe.

Mike Yukon said...

Did he get the 10 year/100,000 mile warranty also?

Rob said...

Mike I don't know. It was a lease return. I was not involved in this at all. It was late Saturday afternoon before I found out.