Sunday, January 25, 2015

I'm SOL On The BOL.

Can you figure out my riddle?? Basically my family and I are Shit Out Of Luck on what I was planning as our Bug Out Location. My parents bought 5 acres of raw land on a river feed lake in Northern Minnesota about 30 years ago or so. They planned on building a home but bought a mobile home instead and remodeled it.

I told my Mom some time ago that when they passed away, my brother could have their house, I wanted the land. My Mom passed away 10 years ago, Dad goes up every other week during the summer for a week at a time. He goes up once or twice during the winter to check on the place. Well this past Christmas my Dad dropped the bomb shell that I feared the most, he has decided to sell the property. Why?? two factors...#1 the place has had at lest 3 break ins. (He removed all items he thinks will be stolen, every fall when he closes up)  #2 The taxes are starting to take their toll financially as he is paying on two property's (The place up north, and his home in the city).

Some of you may ask "Why not buy it from him??" Well the property is appraised at $100K and the home at $10k. I have not asked him the price he wants, but if he can get $100K he would take that. I overheard him talking that there are several property's for sale in that area with year round home. My best hope is that no one buys the land. The photo above is the property with the house by the river. Way behind Dad's place to the east is state land and its all woods. Now you see why I wanted it. In the photo below the small lake or pond is on state land. He has other homes in the area, but none close.

We picked up some snow overnight but next to nothing. The weather is expected to turn colder next weekend, we'll see. Have a great week all. Stay safe and Warm..........Rob


Rev. Paul said...

The only constant in life is change.

PioneerPreppy said...

Used to be property was meant to be passed down not sold except in dire need. It's pretty sad it isn't that way anymore.

Rob said...

Right you are Padre, Right you are. So many folks have 20/20 hind sight. Of which I'm one at times.

Rob said...

My only hope Obi-Wan is no one purchase the land. My Dad is 72. I want to ask him if we can start camping up there without using any power and just water from the lake.

PioneerPreppy said...

100 K for 5 raw acres seems really steep to me. Must be a big out doorsey tourist location or something.

Rob said...

Well it has power, a well and septic system now. Its the taxes that have raised the price of the land. The other homes around are year round places. Minnesota has a Democrat Gov. that has made sure the State has a budget surplus by raising property taxes and fees for just about everything. If you look at the election returns State wide it wasn't rural MN that voted for him it was the Liberals in the Metro Areas of the State. Same for the current DC idiot.