Tuesday, August 2, 2016

30 Years Ago Today....

30 Years ago today, I married the most wonderful women I have ever known. Together we raised 5 beautiful children. Jordon, Andrew, Melissa, Scott and Hannah. We have laughed, cried, enjoyed life together. Through ups, (our children's births), and downs, (my crushed foot injury). our love has remained strong. We tease each other, we know which buttons to push, and we know when the other needs comforting.

I can't imagine my life without her. Here are two photos of us....

I love my wife so much, I can't find the words to write most times. I Love You Deb.



Rev. Paul said...

Happy anniversary!

kymber said...

oh Rob, buddy - i love this post soooo much! Happy Anniversary! you two have much to be proud of - 30yrs??? that is awesome! but those 5 kids are something to be proud of too! and let's not forget little Sammy who is probably 5ft tall by now!

we are sending so much love to all of you! your friends,
kymber and jambaloney

Rob said...

Thank You Sir

Rob said...

Thank You for the well wishes. Sammy is like 3" tall and well into is terrible twos....

Vicki said...

Happy Anniversary!! Wishing you and your bride many, many more. You done good, my friend.

PioneerPreppy said...

Well Happy Anniversary. And my condolences to the Mrs :)

Rob said...

Thanks Vicki. I would never have guessed we be together this long.

Rob said...

Thanks PP. Like We tell others 30 years served on life sentience.

Harry Flashman said...

You beat the odds, so you are doing something right. Most marriages don't make it to the sixth year anymore.