Saturday, November 25, 2017

I Call For A Total Ban On........

We had snow 4 times already this winter season. Currently our snow depth is ZERO. My grand son was outside yesterday running his little heart out. temp was 50. Yep 50 on Nov. 24.

My youngest son, and youngest daughter survived working Thanksgiving night, and black Friday. Scott at Best Buy, and Hannah at Target. Our Thanks giving dinner was a lunch because of working.
We did go shopping, but it was only grocery shopping. In and out, no BS. 

I see the ISI idiots are attacking fellow Muslims. Its sad to hear about 300 people being killed because you don't have the same wacko beliefs, in the same religion. The cop killers are still at it. Wackos trying to get there 10 sec of fame.

Mn has 2 state legislators are stepping down due to groping. I just wish Al Franken would resign. I guess more women have come forward. I remember receiving training on sex harassment in the workplace. Basically keep your hands to yourself. I guess too many folks didn't get the memo on that training.

Well Its time to run kids to work again. Stay Safe, Stay Warm, and keep your hands in side the ride at all times.




Peg in Florida said...

Can't stand Franken but have read they want to appoint Keith Ellison to Senate seat if Franken resigns----from bad to worse.

Rob said...

Ane, Thanks for stopping over....That's like going from Hitler, to Stalin. Poor choice but I hear what you are saying.