Saturday, January 19, 2019

North Woods Selfie

I took a new selfie outside the other day, when it was cold. I look like Paul Bunyan and I have Babe my Blue Ox, with me

Enjoy  the cold and snow.



Gorges Smythe said...

Cold and snow. BAH! HUMBUG!

Rob said...

Here in Cokato we had a dusting of snow yesterday. Cold today, but next weekend, temps dip to double digit below zero. Not looking forward to that at all.

hobo said...

Hey, nice selfie. It is so nice to put a face with a 'voice' ;^)

Sending snow your way. Dumped 4" of the white stuff and rain on & off all day. Creeks are starting to flow. Hopefully, your temps will not get that cold.

Rob said...

Snow has been missing us, when they say snow, we say yeah right. Never fear bitter cold is near. another reason to prep. TOO DAMN COLD TO GO OUTSIDE!!!