Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sick And Tired

Its gotten to the point I don't even want to read any news. Be it the newspaper, online, etc. I used to pride myself of being in the know. At this point who cares. Its been the same thing for the last 3 years.
If its not about Trump, then its about Mrs C the crook. I guess shes talking about running again. Who cares. No one wants you. What are you going to do pay a hit man to take out everyone who is against you. 

I am proud to bean American, not very happy with my elected officials. Be it County level, (taxes), State level, (taxes) or Federal level ( you want me to do what??) OK enough of that. I had to vent someplace.

Its raining the white stuff here. See I'm so upset I can't even call it what it is....The other nite I saw lights out in a field. Thought it was a train. Tracks in the area. Nope just a farmer doing his thing.

Stay warm, Remain alert,,,



Peteforester said...

Indeed... Three years of continuous hyperventilation would kill most organisms, but it seems the MSM is impervious.

I pull my news off the web a couple of times a day, and that's it. You know; how it USED to be done...

Rob said...

Pete, I'm smart enough to know with the last election wins in the House of Reps Govt would grin to a halt. So far I'm right

Mike Yukon said...

I've just about given up totally on fox except for Charles Pane, he is good with the market information. The best thing they have done lately is get rid of Shep, what a moron.
I now find I have playing in the background is the good old Weather Channel!

Rob said...

At lest Fox is better then all the rest. WE used to watch 1hr and half of the news every night hr local 1/2 hr national just in the evening. Now maybe 15 min if that.