Thursday, December 19, 2019

He Has My Vote Again...

I have nothing more to add that fellows Republicans have not said already. Now Ms P. wants to hold up sending the impeachment paperwork to the Senate?? For what other reason?? She thinks she can used the Impeachment as leverage to get what the Left wants from the Senate and Pres. Trump??
What kind of medicine is she on?? I don't want any of that crap do you??

Stay Alert, this circus is not over by a long shot. 



Gorges Smythe said...

I suspect she knows that it's over when it reaches the Senate, so she's trying to hold it up as long as possible to stay in the news.

Rob said...

A sad, but true statement. The million dollar question is What's next in the lefts game plan

Peteforester said...

She's trying to keep the water muddy as long as possible, which was the whole reason for this dog & pony show in the first place.

My advice to Ms. Pelosi; if you're going to wrap yourself in the Constitution as stage wardrobe, don't wipe your butt with it first. It just makes you stink, with the smell evident to all!

Rob said...

Even Putin, stated it was all high jinks. The Left has made themselves the laughing stock to the whole world. Which may work to Trumps advantage, They will take pity on him and give in to his trade demands.