Monday, December 2, 2019

My Weather Forecast Winter 2019/20

I can save each and everyone of us the time watching the TV weather folks. My forecast is snow on and off until April turning over to rain. Temps in December depends on how much booze you put in your eggnog. The more you have the warmer you feel. January and the first 2 weeks of February are going to be bitter cold. Some days we will have sun, other days it will be cloudy. Total snow amounts just depends on who you trust, which forecaster lies better.

For me I don't worry about how much we get until I have to go shovel it off the drive. How much ice we have depends on how much snow melt aka salt I put on the ground. If I'm wrong and its warm and no snow. Go ahead and sue me. I got nothing of value you'd want.

Stay Safe, Warm if your cold, cool it your hot.



Gorges Smythe said...

Sounds about right! - lol

Rob said...

Some folks get their undergarments in a bunch over littlest thing. More important stuff to get worked over then how much snow we get.

hobo said...

I thought it was a contest.... the one with the most snow wins?!
Think you've had the most so far. We had 3.5" a couple days ago (which did NOT melt) plus another 6" yesterday. A little early for 'sticking snow'. Bah!

Rob said...

I'm not sure of our totals. The temp was 30 give or take. The snow was wet. I think we had 8" on Wednesday. With it being a wet heavy snow it compacted to 3 or 4. They said another 12 " Fri-Sunday. It would snow, then sleet and back, I think we had at lest 6". Up north Duluth picked up at lest 12" Now we have the cold temps on the backside of the storm. 7 this am. Typical post snow temps.

Mike Yukon said...

Sounds like all is normal with your snowfall. I do hope you have the grid up for the entire winter. Maybe you need to buy yourself a Christmas gift, a snowmobile!! Ha

Rob said...

Mike after working at our big airport, I'm good as far as being outside any length of time. My time is limited to how long it takes to shovel. Our power companies have it together. They put crews on stand by. This last storm they had 800 trucks plowing and sanding round the clock. At MSP Airport those crews have a bunk house to take naps