Monday, April 20, 2020

WOW Is All I Can Say

Ongoing concerns over swelling oil inventories, with little demand to ease the pile up due to the ongoing fallout from the coronavirus, sent West Texas Intermediate crude for May delivery plunging 305 percent to a record low -$36.73 per barrel. At a price below zero, buyers would be paid to take delivery as there are costs associated with transportation and storage.

We payed almost $5.00 a gallon in 2008 when the housing bubble popped. Folks needed gas and food, so they stopped by rent, etc. This am gas was $1.45 at the pump. I wonder what they will charge tomorrow. We wont get it for free.

Stay Safe...ROB


Gorges Smythe said...

lol - No, they'll do their best to keep the retail price up.

Rob said...

Oh I know that for sure.