In Minnesota.....
We saw a convoy of National Guard troops from a Armory out in western Mn drive through our town today. Seeing our soldiers on the move makes this so real and not a dream.
I never, EVER thought I would see MN National Guardsmen and women on patrol at my State Capitol. Target again has closed several stores due to threats. Riots have broken out in St Cloud, which is an hour north of us. The Wright County Sheriffs Department our county, is sending deputies to help Minneapolis Police, State Troopers and others. People living in our county are not happy about the deputys going to help Mpls.
As I find out my information I will post..Oh we also had a Predator drone from Grand Forks A.F.B. flying around Minneapolis & St Paul today at 20,000 feet. Why?? not sure unless it was doing photo recon.
Stay Safe...Rob
Take care of yourself, my friend. My source tells me that a protest is planned for Sunday, right across the river from me in Chaska. Nobody is safe until this is under control.
I set this post up yesterday. Was I surprised to see it got worse last night. Target closed all MN stores early. Gov. called up another 1,000 Guardsman, plus the Army is sending in MP from FT Drum NY, Ft Bragg NC, Ft Carson Kansas and another base in Kansas.
I'd be lying if I said my anxiety is mot way up. I know we are safe here in Cokato, But just the same I lived in some of these areas growing up, and know the locations by name. You hear the locations and I remember being there some point in my life
Watching these riots is heartbreaking. I am sickened that a certain former leader is not calling for an end to the rioting. But I suppose I should not be surprised as he only ever made divisive statements. Thinking of those of you near these cities and praying for an end to the violence.
This would never have gotten out of hand in the first place if the mayor had let the police do their job.
Whats heart breaking for me is some of this is going on in places I used to live growing up in South Minneapolis.
bottom line if the cop has his knee on the guys back and not the neck.
I hope your son doesn't get pulled into this mess.
Oh he will. Talk of all 13,000 NG being called up. People are freaking out. They have closed every major highway into Minneapolis and St Paul. I wouldn't be surprised to see MP's patrolling come day break if it gets really bad like last night
That too!
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