Friday, June 26, 2020

Didn't Someone Say...

WE TOLD YOU SO...If you reopen too fast folks are going to get sick again. Fla has reported 9,000 new cases in 24 hrs. Apple has re-closed all the stores that reopened in Fla.. Texas has seen an increase too. 

One of the areas of Minneapolis said "We dont want police coverage" Now they have a problem with 300 folks that moved a homeless camp into a city park. Drug use as increased as other crimes.. Didn't someone SAY...

That's all I have so far for today. 

Stay Safe...Rob


Gorges Smythe said...

Unfortunately, the longer they put it off, the worse it will be and that suits them just fine.

Tewshooz said...

9,000 new cases, eh? Show me the documentation and actual test results, not that anyone would lie about that to further the agenda, right?

Rob said...

I grew up in Minneapolis, and know of the areas. Its very sad, but the areas have been changing since the late 1960

Rob said...

Well I don't know about test results, but the state has ordered all bars to close. Florida economy is based on tourism. I don't think they would pull any crap just to pull crap and control people

Rob said...

oh the bars closed because of the close in socializing

Vicki said...

I say this as your friend, Rob...This has little if anything to do with the virus and has everything to do with control. That's what they do. And sadly, we let them get away with it.

Rob said...

Oh T know, this whole thing has just....I can't find the words. I have been sending links to my oldest in Canada, he said this could lead to another civil war. I replied that it has already started. The big debate this the who fired on Ft Sumner, kind of moment, What pushed everyone over the cliff. I don't know if you have seen the story, on WCCO TV a black guy says he regrets moving to Buffalo cause its 98$ white...Hello that right dumbass. If you look at where the blacks live its where there is bus service. Mpls metro, St. Cloud etc. We have had some in cokato but they don't stay here long.