I'm leaving and I'm just not coming back': Fed up with racism, Black Americans head overseas
Anthony Baggette knew the precise moment he had to get out: He was driving by a convenience store in Cincinnati when a police officer pulled him over. There had been a robbery. He fit the description given by the store's clerk: a Black man.
Okunini Ọbádélé Kambon knew: He was arrested in Chicago and accused by police of concealing a loaded gun under a seat in his car. He did have a gun. But it was not loaded. He used it in his role teaching at an outdoor skills camp for inner-city kids. Kambon also had a license. The gun was kept safely in the car's trunk.Tiffanie Drayton knew: Her family kept getting priced out of gentrifying neighborhoods in New Jersey. She felt they were destined to be forever displaced in the USA. Then Trayvon Martin was shot and killed after buying a bag of Skittles and a can of iced tea. ( We all know it was more then that)
I don't follow Yahoo News, but the title caught my eye, Is anyone offended by this story...times up..NOPE.
Stay Safe
I so wish they had been left in Africa back in the day; then we wouldn't have had this "race problem."
They blame the whites for everything...It was their chiefs that sold them off to the white man...Another fact that has been erased...
A sentence in the story caught my eye: She said Spain isn't racism-free and isn't that diverse, but she has experienced it as a welcoming place where people are willing to be educated about their prejudices.
I wonder if she includes black people as willing to be educated about THEIR prejudices.
Each of us pays for one one-way ticket for someone who feels "oppressed" in the U.S. ...Problem solved...
Most certainly..Your not happy, move, how many whites did that starting in the 1960's?? I remember when the racial equality busing started. I had relatives who pulled their kids from public schools to private. Even out in Long Beach CA in 1977 they bused Hispanic kids from the schools near downtown Long Beach, to my school in Lakewood,and to some of the other schools with mostly black students These kids had that deer in the headlight look on their faces.
After a while people say things they just don't understand. They just say something to cut down living in the US
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