Sunday, June 7, 2020

Is It Just ME....

Or does there seem to be a very large group of people that toss out the race card faster then any other group??

Maybe its just the media that loves to highlight this group, more then others?? 

Your opinion.... 

Stay Safe


Peteforester said...

It's not just you...

Rob said...

It was hard to write this without saying a name or color.

Rev. Paul said...

Your post made me feel blue, Rob, but I'd never go there.

Gorges Smythe said...

Some adults are like little kids and animals, they do whatever works, right or wrong.

Rob said...

I see everyone as being equal. No matter the color of your skin, male, female or other. Tossing out the race card just seems to be a tired old game that is still played.

Rob said...

a very true but sad fact of life.