Monday, June 8, 2020

So Open The Flood Gates Of Crime..

A group of Minneapolis City Council members have announced their intentions to proceed with disbanding the city's police force.
Council president Lisa Bender made the announcement at a Black Visions Collective and Reclaim the Block rally at Powderhorn Park Sunday, just blocks from where George Floyd lost his life at the hands of police on May 25.
Bender says that the plan is to "end our city’s toxic relationship with the Minneapolis Police Department."

"It's our commitment to end policing as we know it, and recreate systems of public safety that actually keep us safe," she said.
This weekend, an op-ed from Ward 3 councilor Steve Fletcher proposed some situations in which alternatives to police officers will be used, such as by dispatching mental health professionals to mental health crisis calls, and fire department EMTs to opioid overdose calls. Traffic offenses meanwhile could be handled by an increase in camera coverage, or the city's street parking teams.

Well, I guess any visits to Mpls will be even fewer then before. I like to go visit my grand parents graves at a cemetery in Minneapolis.  Going to see the pro sports teams is out. Not risking my life or the families for anyone. I just don't understand their thinking. Does this mean that the Country Sheriff has to pick up the slack, State Patrol, or maybe even the National Guard...Will the P.D's from other cities stop assisting when necessary??

The craziness of 2020 continues.

Stay Safe.


Peteforester said...

Yeah; I heard about this. Out on my end of Dystopia, the "mayor" of L.A. decided not to give the police the budget increase it was due. This was after he called his police "killers," and kneeled for the "black lives matter" folks. He might as well have put his head on a chopping block while he was at it...

Fine; disband the police. Next time you're in trouble, call one of the only people whose lives matter...

Me? I'll just sit here and share a beer with Misters Smith, Wesson, and Mossberg...

Rob said...

Well said sir. Lots of folks in Rural America have guns. A popular high school sport is trap shooting.

Gorges Smythe said...

They'll think no cops is great until THEY need one.

Rob said...

All of this is a knee jerk reaction. Its not thought out very well.

Mike Yukon said...

Wait until these people call 911 and the operator says, it will be at least a 2 hour wait until an officer finishes other calls before yours!

Rob said...

it will be more like "we only handle fire and medical sorry" click...