Sunday, July 12, 2020

Changing Things Up

I don't post often, but if I post even less its because I have accepted a very senior leadership position with my unit. There are always changes in Leadership. My boss is moving up, to take another senior leadership position,  because his boss our unit commander has put in 4 years. His term is up. So when openings happen you put in your name or you get asked to take over. 

I put in my name to take over as Commander for our new little unit. When I say little I mean maybe 9...Vs 85 at the home unit. It was me saying yes, or shut it down for good with no one to run things. Some friends and family have said I crazy to get deeper into it, but like I said put up or shut up and close down.

We are looking at changing meeting locations to a different area to get more people interested in joining. Long road ahead. If we fail in 6 mos to a year our unit gets shut down, and we move on to other things.

Weather should be cooler here this next week. Youngest son is in CA with the National Guard with daily temps of over 100. 

Stay Safe. Talk again soon.



CWfromIowa said...

Good luck and congratulations for stepping up to the plate. Few people are qualified or want to take on the responsibility for such a task. Take care...

Rev. Paul said...

What CWfromIowa said. Bravo Zulu!

Rob said...

I have offered to step up before at another unit, and been politely told to sit down and shut up. We don't want you to burn out, etc. Dude I'm retired i have lots of time on my hands. So I played their little game. When the opportunity came up to move I did. I have done this many times and it has always worked out.

Rob said...

Thanks Padre, I knew you would understand. Too many just sit like good little boys and girls and don't rock the boat. I've done both. I have learned to be kind smile and wait for the right moment. My last airline job, happened that way. I saw that the time was right and I acted. Plus a few good prayers always helped.