Friday, July 3, 2020

Just Another Day ??

Another fun filled day in tropical MN.
One thing I leaned in 6 yrs living in Fla.,

You don't move you don't sweat.
Unlike 7 yrs in CA...which is a dry heat.

Have a safe holiday weekend everyone. Its going to be hot and humid here for the next two weeks. If we do anything the next few weeks, it done early cause its ugly by 10 am

Stay Alert...The nuts are still hatching...Rob 

P.S. If your offended by my posts, TOO BAD


Rev. Paul said...

It will be in the mid-70s here for the next several days, but that doesn't compare to what all y'all are suffering farther south.

p.s. Your posts don't offend anyone worth worrying about, so carry on! :)

Tewshooz said...

More like hatching maggots. I read your blog for sanity.

Rob said...

Ithink we always told each other if its warm in your area its cold here and such...Not this year, 2020 has been like no other year. Why should the weather be any different...

Rob said...

Sanity?? mine or yours?? LOL Like I told the Padre, 2020 has been different all around.

Tewshooz said...

Both of us, lol.