Mandatory Masks in MN starting this Saturday. Well its about time. some are fit to be tied. You know the whiners I'M talking about. So don't bother me at all...Dr must wear, nurses, support staff..Our dentist does too.
The Gov, has also stated he wants the kids back in school. That's fine by me too. My grandson is so bored half the time. Will keep everyone busy and happy.
We've had to wear masks out here in the Wild, Wild West since March. Believe me; you'll be sick of these things in about a week! And guess what; it hasn't stopped the virus...
Glen thanks for stopping by. I have more important things going on in my life then to get worked up about wearing some flipping mask. I have 5 adult kids and a grandson i have to keep on eye on them. Life has changed a ton since Jan 1st. I now have the responsibility to lead others outside of my family. I'm not talking being a pastor, but a leader just the same. A teacher if you will...
We've had to wear masks out here in the Wild, Wild West since March. Believe me; you'll be sick of these things in about a week! And guess what; it hasn't stopped the virus...
When the U.S. Surgeon General says they're useless, they're useless. Of course he then bowed to pressure and "changed his mind."
An article in the New England Journal of Medicine by several doctors states that masks are useless.
WE have too from time to time. It is what it is.
Its all a game..until the US is under military rule
I know but like I said its a game
Play stupid games, Rob, and you’ll win stupid prizes.
Glen thanks for stopping by. I have more important things going on in my life then to get worked up about wearing some flipping mask. I have 5 adult kids and a grandson i have to keep on eye on them. Life has changed a ton since Jan 1st. I now have the responsibility to lead others outside of my family. I'm not talking being a pastor, but a leader just the same. A teacher if you will...
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