I had to change my cover photo, what with winter still here in MN and elsewhere. I got this from a friend who works for an old employer. Its in Cancun.
We ended up with 5 " here in Cokato, and I think our friend Vicki had 7" or so. Guess what??, we are getting more up to another 3" by Wednesday. I just wonder how close the farmers here got to getting out into the fields??? still too early to plant.
Ted Cruz tossed his hat into the ring for the GOP nod for 2016. I'm hearing his change is slim to none, from folks I know. Its going to start a run of GOP folks for 2016, that's for sure. Is it too little too late for the U.S.??
Stay Vigilant
I wish the Cruzzer well. I actually listened to his speech and he did address all the things we need fixed in this country otherwise we will collapse. I think his biggest obstacle and opposition will come from the GOP itself!
only time will tell
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