Monday, July 20, 2015

The Decision Has Been Made.

OK you ask, what decision did you make?? Well youngest son and I have decided Its time to look into what it will take to buy a gun or two.  I think it was the attack this week on the Marine and Navy Centers that made it happen.

Our plan is to find out about training class in firearm safety, and then about permits and finally buying our first gun. My youngest is willing to work overtime this fall so we can take the necessary steps. Oh the wife doesn't know at all. Gun safety is our #1 priority because of the grandson. A fire arm safe is also being talked about and location to hid in the house.

Now today I see they want to make sure Social Security recipients don't get guns. Ok I will play your game, someone else in my house will own. but I will still train and use said weapon. 

Stay Safe All........Rob


PioneerPreppy said...

Screw that. Buy one in a private sale and never tell em ya got it. Not really their right to know anyway they just strong arm their way into thinking it is and use our money to back it up and make it happen for new sales from reseller lics. Never give up your right to keep firearms.

Tewshooz said...

Agreed. Never let them infringe on your rights.

Vicki said...

Excellent decision. I made the same decision a few years ago when I realized that if anyone broke into my apartment, the only defense I had at the time was to throw a can of Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup at them. And since that wasn't going to stop anyone I needed something that would. PP is right. Never, ever give up the right to own firearms. No matter how much they threaten.

Matt said...

What the others said, with emphasis on PP's, "Screw that." Just buy it. Privately is better at this late point in the game. The way you phrased your post, it was like you were almost asking their approval to buy one., jumping through all their little hoops, one by one. If you want training, fine, buy your firearms and then some training.

Rob said...

Thanks everyone for your replies. Matt my son wants a concealed permit, but I don't think he wants to carry it, maybe just have in our car. This is all new to us. The idea has been it the back of my mind for a long time. I know that since I have read many blogs over the years, I feel that my eyes have been opened to see things I never "saw" before. I know almost 2 years ago my dad told me he has a hand gun. two in fact. He had a .22 years ago, but it was off limits to us kids.His reasons the bears in Northern MN at the summer cabin, the other is the blacks in north Minneapolis where is brother lives. His words not mine.

Matt said...

I appreciate that, but I still say, buy what you want, privately of possible. Then you at least have them. You don't have to have a permit to keep one in the home. If he still wants a permit, I can appreciate that, and I am not wanting to see him get into trouble with the law, but if something happens while you are taking your time buying them, admit could happen.... another mass shooting, some politician shoots his mouth off about a gun confiscation, and bam ! Prices skyrocket on firearms and ammo both. Remember what happened in 2012 at that school? Prices doubled and tripled in some cases...... You could get priced out of the market. And then you're stuck.

What your dad said about blacks doesn't make him a racist. It makes him realistic for the area he lived in. I know...... I grew up in Memphis.

peace, brother

Rob said...

Matt It was a crazy long day. i read your reply just know, but I will rely tomorrow as I'm beat.

Matt said...

It's ok Rob, I don't want to come across as being pushy. It really is a decision you must make in the long run on your own.