This is a list of items that are recommended for Civil Air Patrol Emergency Services.
a. 24 hour pack
1) On your person:
a) Complete BDU uniform with camouflage BDU cap. The BDU cap may be
replaced by a hard hat or bright colored cap based on mission needs.(T)
b) Notepad and pencil (T)
c) All CAP Identification, including 101 card, 76 card, First Aid card, etc. (T)
d) Watch (T)
e) Handkerchief or Tissues
f) Vest, reflective, orange (T)
g) Comb or brush (optional, carry if needed) (T)
h) Ground Team Member’s Handbook
i) Signal Mirror
j) Whistle
k) Pocket or utility-type knife, multipurpose with can opener. Swiss
Army knives, Leatherman, or Gerber Tools are recommended. (T)
2) Day pack (preferably red or orange), webbed gear, or other SAR/Survival Vest (T)containing:
a) First Aid Kit, stored in zip-lock bag or other waterproof container, recommended that it consists of the following:
(1) 2 Antiseptic cleansing pads
(2) Antiseptic ointment
(3) 6 Band-Aids, various sizes
(4) Moleskin, 2” X 4”
(5) Roller bandage
(6) 2 Safety pins, large
(7) 4 gauze pads
(8) 1 Triangular Bandage
(9) Tape, first aid
(10) Any personal medication (your team leader should know what you have and where you carry it.)(T)
(11) Rubber surgical gloves (two pair minimum)
b) Survival Kit, stored in zip-lock bag or other waterproof container, consisting of:
(1) Duct tape, 5-10 feet (does not need to be a whole role. May be wrapped around a stick.
(2) Leaf bag, large
(3) 12 wooden, waterproofed matches (T)
(4) Match container, waterproof, with striking surface
(5) 1 Chemical Light Stick, Green (T)
(6) 50’ of nylon line (paracord or similar line).
c) SAR Equipment stored in zip-lock bags, consisting of:
(1) Change of socks (T)
(2) Flagging Tape, 1 roll
(3) Flashlight (with red or blue lens), with spare bulb and batteries
(4) Spare flashlight (penlight will do) (T)
(5) Insect repellent
(6) Lip balm, with sunscreen.
(7) Sunscreen lotion
(8) Tissue Paper (T)
(9) Work Gloves, leather (T)
(10) Interviewing Form(s), blank
(11) 4 Moist Towelettes, clean, in foil wrapper
(12 Change for phone calls, calling card, or cellular phone (T) to call mission base
d) 2 meals (T)
e) Shelter Material, preferably 8’ X 10’ (spare military poncho meets the need)
f) Coat for appropriate climate, if necessary (in pack if not wearing it)(T)
g) Poncho, (T)
h) Canteen(s) to carry 2 quarts of water (Some wings require their
personnel to have at least one one-quart canteen on a belt while the
other is stored in the field pack. At least one quart of water must be
carried by all personnel)(T)
i) Compass Pouch, containing compass, lensatic or orienteering
(orienteering preferred). Compass should have a “glow in the dark” dial.
j) Leader’s Equipment -- only required of Ground Team Leaders
(1) Protractor -- for map work.
(2) Map Case (Large Zip-Loc bags can be used if necessary)
(3) Pencil, with eraser (plus sharpener if not a mechanical pencil)
(4) Alcohol Pens, fine tip, at least 2 colors (neither the color of your colored flashlight lens)
(5) Some way to erase alcohol pens marks on the map case, such as alcohol swabs or a special alcohol pen eraser.
(6) A straightedge ruler, at least 6” long (Some protractors may have a ruler as well).
(7) Ground Team Leader Handbook
b. 72 hour pack: a backpack (preferably with frame) (T) containing:
1) Tent (optional, if you are sharing a tent with someone else who is carrying it) (T)
2) Spare rank and CAP cutouts (for cadets)
3) 5 meals (T)
4) 2 Leaf Bags, large
5) Bag, waterproof (T), containing:
(a) Spare uniform,
(b) Underwear and socks, 3 changes (T)
6) Sleeping pad, foam or inflatable.
7) Spare boot laces.
8) Kit, sewing, with spare buttons.
9) Shoe Shine Kit
10) Toilet Kit, that should contain:
(a) Toothbrush and paste (T)
(b) Shaving Kit (if you shave) (T)
(c) Deodorant (T)
(d) Washcloth and soap (T)
(e) Towel (T)
11) Sleeping Bag or Bedroll appropriate to climate (T)
c. Optional Items
(1) Rainwear, durable
(2) Webbing, nylon, 1” wide, 20’ long.
(3) Handheld FM Transceiver (highly recommended for Ground Team Leaders)
(4) Water Purification Tablets
(5) Eye Protection (highly recommended)
(6) Entrenching Tool (highly recommended for base gear)
Can anyone recommend anything else?? I'm behind reading your blogs I will try to get caught up this week. Tomorrow is CAP, and I need to finish some things for them too.
Stay Safe Everyone..........Rob
When I was flying with CAP we didn't have jack in the aircraft. That was in the 1990's so maybe they are more careful about that kind of thing. I don't think the cadets were taught anything on the subject either.
Emergency Services is one the the 3 parts of CAP. The problem we now face is we no longer chase ELT's as that has changed. No SARSAT's at all. The last few SAREX's have had 1 or 2 ground teams, vs triple that years ago. Their was a SAREX last Sat. 8 aircraft but only 5 mission pilots and 1 ground team.. Their are only 2 squadrons now to cover Western MN. Ours in St Cloud and Hutchinson, MN.
We have lost several squadron's due to lack of members. One of the largest squadron's in Wing was shut down as they only had a hand full of members. I was a member of that one back in the late 90's. I have not gone up for any flights at all, nor have I gone on any SAREX's. That is my choice due to family issues. (one car) Right now we have a 172 steam gauge, to use for cadet pilot training vs the 182 with a glass cockpit we had up until middle of July. They want the cadets to fly non glass cockpits for soloing in.
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