Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Classified Information Leaked

Classified Information Leaked and not by Eric Snowden or Hillary Clinton.......

The crazy Canadians don't want us to know this information. This explains kymber and jam so well.

Stay safe, and thanks for the well wishes in regards to my uncles passing. 



Rev. Paul said...

Those Canadians are tough customers. Makes me glad sometimes that our nearest geographic neighbor is the Yukon Territory. :)

kymber said...

bahahahahahah! too funny Rob, buddy! but it is a pretty accurate description. and you just wait until the Leafs win the Stanley cup - then all of us canadians can say "she's pretty cold eh?" and "Leafs won the cup - i told ya so" - bahahahahah! thanks buddy! got a big grin on my face now! sending much love to my favourite minnesotian (?)!!!

your friend,

PioneerPreppy said...

It forgot the +1 -16 figure where some Canucks stop laying on the beach while we Americans are starting our wood stoves :)

Harry Flashman said...

Interesting chart.