I'm not talking Howdy Doody Time either....
Its corn on the cob harvest time. Fetch some butter and salt, fire up the pot of water, its time to dig in. Here in Cokato its Corn Festival time. Our community celebrates the start of the corn on the cob harvest. the cannery in town moves into 24 hr operations of corn canning. They can enough corn over the next 6 weeks to supply corn for the next year. We still have several cases of corn from last years harvest.
Not much else going on so that is why I have not posted much.
Stay Safe.........Rob
Fresh, roasted corn ... mmmm.
One of my relatives in the southern part of the state used to send me packages of Green Giant sweet corn seed. Best corn on the cob ever. My family would eat it until we couldn't any more and then can the rest. I get hungry just thinking about it!!
6.3 tons of fresh sweet corn was donated just for today. I was asked why we didn't go tonight?? My reply was I still have canned corn from last year. At lest 4 or 5 I didn't tell him that thou.
Sounds like the corn fields did well. You may want to pick up a case to replenish your stock with at least one newer batch. Plus you never know what next year will hold weather-wise.
Hey, and since you're not all that busy you can always go help PP with his fencing & mowing, then you can mosey on over here and we'll put ya to work, too. hahaha
I wish I could go help so many folks. We picked up the corn at a discount inpart to my son working there. He quit, tired of all the BS new owners and such. They both work at a egg farm so we get free eggs every week.
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