Yes I know, Rob don't watch the news or read the paper online....Opps TOO LATE. I know the market dropped again faster then a (fill in the blank). But I am not as rattled as I was last week. All that Fox news is talking about is the market and what the experts are saying.
Bury your head in the sand so to speak, Now Uncle Joe Biden may run as Hillary is too stupid to remember her lies. So if Biden gets elected, god for bid, that means we will have the same idiots running the show as we do now. Is it too late to try something else.?? Would we be better off if our Military leaders grew a pair of coconuts and took over the country?? Could it even happen.
I am surprised the separation movement has come to a stand still, Does anyone know the number to a real estate broker in Canada say north of MN.?? Can i steal some land (Squat) on say 5 acres and declare my own country??? I love being an American, but come on enough is enough. Yes I am rambling on, yes my blood sugar is high, no I'm not off my meds yet.................LOL
Try and Stay Sane, and Remain Vigilant...Maybe insane is better after all the government will take care of us all right????
PS 800 Billion was lost today, plus how much last week??? Does that mean the dollar is now worth about .25 cents and the Dollar store are now the 5 and dime???
I think the dollar has been worth less than 5 cents for some time now. Perhaps this is the actual steep slide down the hockey stick now. If it is time for us to put our knowledge to work.
Its sad when you get paid and think I have money, but once you pay your bills your broke. No wonder the dead beats want everything for fee.....its easier then working.
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