For just the third time in 40
years, millions of Social Security recipients, disabled veterans and
federal retirees can expect no increase in benefits next year, unwelcome
news for more than one-fifth of the nation's population.
Gee thanks Obama and Congress. Idiots, my rent is going up $15.00 a month, on top of the $16.00 a month sewer connection fee the park owners decided to pass on 2 months ago. Not only that but the utilities are raising our rates too. Don't think about those of us on a fixed income. I will remember this next November at election time. If you are in office now I WILL VOTE AGAINST YOU. You want to bring in the Muslims and give them $1,800.00 PER PERSON.......THIS IS BULL SHIT!!!
I better stop now before i post something that will get me a visit by the black SUV's
Another example of the Government taking care of us....
Stay Safe My Friends ....
Just reminds me of the old saying: a government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take everything you've got. Looks like the pendulum's swinging that way, now.
Yeah, and they will probably raise the amount we have to pay for Medicare, too. I will bet that congress will vote themselves a pay rate, though. Bastards!
Look at the brghtside at least you are getting SS those in my age bracket prolly won't see a dime of it.
What I want to know is; if gas prices are down, why is there still a gas surcharge on UPS deliveries and everything else? Airlines, too. (not that I will fly anywhere...just sayin). Once the prices go up, they never come down. Gas prices go down, but nothing else does. Oh yeah....bright side.
And wait until you see what happens to your life insurance premiums after you turn 65. My Veterans Group Insurance went up 38% then again it goes up at age 70, 75, etc. Just the premiums on this policy alone eat up 1/4 of my annual SSI payments (I refuse to say "Benefits" as it is my money along with that held back by my employer!)
At least you can afford life insurance. We gave up on that after we reached 70.
I understand. I;m on disability due to a work related accident back in 2003. In 2010 i decided to stop working due to being in pain daily. Every year it gets worse. I choose no pain meds as I don't want to become a drug addict.
The biggest lie is I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
That's a sad but true statement
Because the companies are using the fees as a business ATM.Look at the airlines fees for everthing, but they cut their fares only to raise with fees
Life Insurance?? I can't even afford that, on top for SSD, I get food stamps already not much but ever bit helps
See above none for us.
I truly understand your concerns, may God bless you! As far as I know, reading helps a lot! Start from this post (it's available at to feel better! It's not actually so bad, and your life doesn't end on this!
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