Saturday, June 18, 2016

Gun Truths

Some times I wonder what Liberals drink daily. How can their thinking be so far off from common sense.

Stay Alert......



Vicki said...

Common sense has left the building. I believe things will get a lot more bumpy from here on out.

Rob said...

everyone says things will get worse, but i just don't see it. I had my eyes checked too. Stay cool tomorrow. We'll be in Hutchinson for a couple of hrs. Parade for Ms.H

Harry Flashman said...

That meme about Harriet Tubman is a little off. She ran a gang of bush bandits in South Carolina for a while before she started taking people on the underground railroad, for so much a head , payable in gold up in the Abolitionist States. She didn't carry a pistol for show, she used it to kill anybody who caused her trouble, slave or white, on her "coyote runs." She was a predecessor of today's coyotes on the southern border and had the same interest in and scruples about her clients as they do.

I like the memes, though, Rob.

Rob said...

I know the drawing makes her look like a gang banger, But I do like what is stated.