Tuesday, June 7, 2016

My Latest Rant

Caution this rant is not intended for anyone on here who reads this blog......

We have emails and private messenger services to get in touch with friends, family, and associates faster then sending a letter, without making a phone call at 3AM, when you remember something to pass on. Agreed??   Well then why in hell do I send emails and PM's out if you ignore me.

I PM my oldest son, Ok I know he gets busy, but when I know he's home and not at work, and online, he can't type..I'M OK..?? then PM's mom??. Grrrrr.

I email Maj Pain, about an open position, he doesn't reply, Ok your busy, I understand that. Then you stand in front of him, and before you can say "Hey do you need such and such position filled?" 1LT Dumbass, walks up and says the same thing, and he not only tells this person yes. but shows her the files associated with said position, and still ignore me. Grrrrrrrrr.

Family I understand, he is my blood, but the other two, you just want to BITCH SLAP THEM BOTH, ....Hello McFly..

An announcement is made about a different position open, You hand in a resume, and your the first one to do so, Maj Pain says thank you, but to be fair I'm going to let others apply. Ok I understand. Its fair. Then take almost a month to chose between myself and one other person. I bust my coconuts, to study and learn, this position, and in addition to my current position, spend my time and money to make hard copy's of regulations so I can read them at anytime, vs online.  the other person 2LT Lazy, has done nothing to advance her training since 2012.

But others feel she is more qualified, so you bow out of the running to be the "Bigger Person", (my words). You still can't email me, call me, or PM me to say thank you, and I found out officially she has the position in an email sent out by a four person, Capt Crunch, I JUST WANT TO STAND ON A TABLE AND SCREAM....HELLO.....HELLO ..H E L L O...

But I have manners, and self respect, so I say not one word...SO how do I get even?? Well I know a friend (Col Bird) who is higher up the food chain, and say something?? No not my style. My plan is, not to throw a Bitch fit, even through I am in private, and quit, or transfer out, but to reduce the amount of time attending, and just do my other job quietly.... and watch things implode, then step in and take over.

I know this is called politics. i am sick and tired of being told don't spread yourself too think, my reply...I'M RETIRED WITH TIME ON MY HANDS!!! I see folks who take a simple job, and have spread them self so thin between home, work, and ???. Then get praised for doing a good job, when others pick up the pieces...

So my friends thank you for letting me vent, I now return this blog to regular posting about nothing of interest to anyone. 

I'm running out to find a NERF bat, so I can beat the crap out of folks and not hurt them, or better yet take their photos and use it for target practice.  my new motto, is an old motto...Don't get mad, let Karma, get even, and do the payback. You know Karma, she's a real bitch........big evil grin, and evil laugh....


1 comment:

kymber said...

Rob - your last few post have not shown up in our blogroll, or else i missed them or something. but i just went in and deleted your blog from the list and re-added it and now it is showing up. got the pic of Sammy - so cute and SOOOOO big! as for all of the doings with CAP - keep your chin down, do your work, do it well....and when it all falls apart - you'll be King. keep up your studying - it's good not only for your volunteer job - it's good for the mind!

sending much love to my buddy! your friend,