Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Need We Say More....

While I DO NOT own any weapons, my father does, several friends and former co workers do, and as far as I know they have not killed anyone, nor has their guns/rifles killed anyone, Ok a few deer, etc. but I don't hear the Liberals crying about animals being killed. When was the last time, the BLACK bears, BROWN bears, and Panda's held a news conference. Same with the deers, and the smaller animals, rabbits, foxes etc.  Come on people stop drinking that Liberal hog wash, grow a pair.
Think for yourself for once.

Stay Alert my friends......Rob



Anonymous said...

You're right Rob. The liberals are now just poking the sleeping bear with a sharp stick. I fear the bear will awaken soon and he will not be happy.

Vicki said...

It is all about power. Without the means to defend ourselves, those with the power can do whatever they want to us. And so can the low life criminals who get a charge out of inflicting pain and stealing your stuff. I refuse to be a victim.

Rob said...

That is an understatement for sure

Rob said...

Sad state of affairs isn't it So if we all become criminals then we can have guns??

Peteforester said...

Imagine if sheep were bred for brains instead of wool. If so, do you really think they'd listen to a "shepherd" or would put up with being herded? Indeed, enough of our population has been dumbed down that it doesn't see a problem with being told what to do. Nor does it have a problem with being "herded" by "dogs." If TPTB try to take our right to defend ourselves away, they just may find themselves trying to "herd cats," just as the British did...

Anyone who thinks that another revolution or civil war can't happen here needs to quit smoking that Wildwood Weed...

Peteforester said...

Indeed; such is already the case, Rob...

PioneerPreppy said...

Once the government can no longer subsidize welfare things will change quickly. The question is how much longer can they subsidize it with debt.

Rob said...

I'm just waiting for the shot heard round the world like back in 1770?? Oh thanks for stopping by sir.

Rob said...

Well IF TRUMP does get elected i'm sure things will change. A fellow at CAP last night keeps repeating when I press the issue of President Trump..."He's no Commander N Chief" I replied his a businessman he will hire the best talent to fill his cabinet.

He had that dumb liberal grin on his face, I told him "your voting for Hillary right??" Its in your body language. Never replied and changed the subject, We have had this talk more then once.