Wednesday, June 8, 2016

New Toy, and What I Have Learned Blogging

Da wife found this little gem here in town. Youngest son and I picked this up for $35.00. Got it in the house wiped it down inside and out with all purpose cleaner with bleach. plugged it in and runs great.

Because it gets so cold we have our ice, and ice cream inside. We went shopping and loaded down with meat. 2 big tubes of hamburger, cut and wrapped into 1/3rds, for 6 bags of meat. picked up Oscar Mayer hot dogs for $1.50 a pack grabbed 6 packs, plus 2 cheese dogs, 4 slabs of ribs, and 8 packs of boneless skinless chicken at $1.99 lbs. 3 more 5lb tubs ground turkey. When we cook the hamburger we add turkey and pork sausage. We use that in meat loaf, taco meat, etc.

Picked up 2 jars mayo, 2nd bottle ketchup, another mustard, coffee creamer, non sugar sweeter, small bag sugar and flour. Picked up two boxes each of sugar free lemonade, orange drink, iced tea with lemon. Got the wife nesttea sweet tea powder. large jar peanut butter, grape jam, and a large bag of frozen corn that we can get 3 meals out of, 10lbs of potatoes.

One thing I have learned from reading the blogs of others, need 1, buy 2. The cheap brands can work just as good as name brand. I needed a all purpose cleaner with out bleach, Dollar General as it for $1.00 bought two, TP I had 3 packs of 36 rolls or more, found some quad rolls. We are down but thats my fault I was running out of room. Laundry soap we stopped buying liquid and now buy powder soap, why?? Too many plastic bottles to recycling, powder is in cardboard which burns. Ran out of room in recycling bin, Only picked up 2nd and 4th Wed of the month, regular trash is weekly.
We stay ahead with the soaps we use, bath, dish, etc. Several times my wife will say you got to run to the store for...I tell her we have it already check here or there.

We watch for local meat sales too. Pork chops bone in $1.49 lb grabbed 4 packs. Highest price for a pack $5 and change. cooked all of it today should have only cooked 2. What don't get eaten in a day or two in the freezer.  The chops here are $1.10 lb cheaper the WM.  Price of milk will drive you nuts too. Here in town $2.99 gallon. WM in Litchfield  20 min down the road $1.99 gallon, WM in Buffalo 20 min up the road twin packs for under $5.00.

With my son working at the market here, he gets an idea of what's on sale next Sunday by this Wednesday. so we can plan ahead of time. The O.M hot dogs here are 2 packs for $4.00 Save a dollar at WM. Bread at WM Great Value brand runs around $1.20? Its higher here at $1.79, but its fresher and slices are bigger for the 1 1/2ld loaf. The bread comes from St Cloud so its very fresh. WM seems to dry out fast. If I remember I will take my receipt from WM and price check the items. Besides Marketplace Foods, we have Casey's General Store with gas, Cenex Co Op., and Jacks Sinclair their prices are higher. Plus we have a Shopko HomeTown. Like a mini WM/Target. Prices are high but bargains can be found if you time it right. Picked up a dresser/cabinet that was going for over $200. for like $70. Picked up two tablets a small one and a larger one at Christmas for under $200, The small one was $70. We had price off coupons used too. spend over $50 get $10 or 20 off.

Diapers for Sam, way ahead by at lest a box and a half, plus wipes. We buy box of like 125 count, plus the ladies are working on potty training already. Our debt is ZERO. Only monthly gas, water/sewer, power, cable. <(Son pays that) rent payment. Had money in bank but that is going down to stock up or replace clothing and shoes. Have money in another account that we can't touch, emergency fund. Not much but its there.

Well friends I will close this post.. Stay Vigilant.



Vicki said...

Wow! You have been busy, haven't you. Good on you with the freezer. It is such a help so you can stock up on sale meat. I like the part where when you run out of something you can just go to your food storage rather than to the store. Especially when bad weather is predicted and other people are standing in line - you don't need to because you already have the basics stashed away. I'm impressed - you have accomplished a lot.

Rob said...

its mostly common sense, planning. Today my daughter wants to take Sam to a park to visit with an old school friend. No issue, but she wants to run to the market to pick up a few snacks, then run home and then to the park. My plan is run to market, then the park, if the friends doesn't show Sam still plays at 2pm we run to high school to get my other daughter. one trip vs 3.

I try to limit running to WM to once every two weeks, save time and gas. we will check the PO while we are out, or when I get son from work at 4. Some days we've made 3 runs to the market. not an issue, but waste of time more then anything.