Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Royalty In Our Family

Now that she's told everyone Deb & I are pleased to announce our youngest daughter Hannah is a candidate for Miss. Cokato !! Every year our small town has a big Cokato Corn Festival where they have the parade. The 11th & 12th grade girls compete for Princess or Queen there are 12 girls total going for it !! The coronation will be in August . Hannah Goodman will be in a parade in Annandale MN, on July 4th riding in a float as a candidate . Our whole family is so excited and happy for her, even her big brother 1500 miles away in Florida. !! Way to go Hannah !!!! 
Hannah this last year was Jr. manager for the Litchfield- Dassel Cokato Girls Hockey Team, Outfielder for the DC Girls Softball Team , is on the DC Marching Band Color Guard this year for the second year, and is on the Student council this year, and next school year. She will be a Senior at DC High School in September.

I'm a proud father, who says when you retire you sit around all day..

Stay Alert My Friends....



Vicki said...

What a beautiful daughter you have. And a busy one, too! Good luck to her.

kymber said...

what Vicki above said! she is sooo very beautiful i can't believe she's yours - bahahahahh! and she is obviously very talented and a good multi-tasker. it's young adults like your daughter that make me think that the world will be a better place in 10 yrs! wish her all of our best and tell her that 2 naked, black-fly bitten canadians - one who doesn't even have any teeth - are rooting for her.

sending much love Rob, buddy! your friend,

Rob said...

Thank you Vicki. She says she stays busy to stay out of the house. I think if we lived in the city she would stay home more.

Rob said...

Thanks Kymber, We are proud of her and all of our kids. She is both smart and cute. Plus has a Phd in sarcasm. I think she got that from me. A year ago when we had all the kids together, all I did was laugh and smile. It was like they had never been apart for 18 months.

Rev. Paul said...

A beautiful girl - and a winner regardless of how the selection process turns out.

Rob said...

Thank you Padre. She has become popular at school.