Sunday, June 5, 2016

Telling It Like It Is....

Funny thing is this is how I feel. I don't care how I look, I have gray hair, losing same, I like sweats at home or shorts. White T shirts during the summer. I have a couple of nice looking button up shirts I wear to look good. I don't own a Suit. Last time I wore a suit was 30 years ago when we married. Give me polo shirts, shorts, or jeans during the summer.

Now for CAP I wear gray pants and a CAP polo shirt. I have a dress white shirt to wear at times, but i'm over weight and I don't like how I look in it. I have my Blue BDU's to wear as again I'm over weight. Sure I would love to wear the Blues or the up coming ABU's but I have to play the weight game of the A.F. 

We realized we are happy with the car we have , 02 Montana, where we live, mobile home, Less stress that way. We would love to have a newer car, say 5 years old, and we would like to have raised my family in a real home, but home is what you make of what your given. I see folks driving $ BIG DOLLAR cars, so give me the money you paid or are paying, to make my family happy. A trip to Florida to see my oldest son, or to take my wife to see a dear friend who is having a health issues now days.

My brother in law in California is selling their home. Its listed for just under $1,000,000.00. With that kind of money, We would buy land and build a home with our own hands and my kids too. I guess it boils down to priorities. Since we married ours has been our kids, and now my grandson. I understand my BIL lives in Ca. that's why his house costs so much. To each his own.

We're blessed by what we have and nothing more. We don't keep up with the Jones's or anyone else. We mind our business and stay out of everyone's business. Thanks for stopping by and letting me rant. The heat is coming here by next weekend, after 6 years in Florida we say BRING IT ON..!!

Stay Vigilant.....Rob



PioneerPreppy said...

Stay out of debt is the biggest thing. Even if you have a good job the debt just makes it a crap shoot from one day tot he next.

Vicki said...

That' the way I feel. I live the way I want to live and do what I want to do. The approval of others is not required.