Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 1st...

Wow, fall is so very near now. I know several folks who are happy for fall, Harry, P.P., anyone else who lives in the heat Hartland of America. September means more to me then most folks, the start of fall is just one, time to switch gears summer, to fall, and winter. But me its remembering all the lives lost in Sept. Sept. 1 1939, the start of World War Two, all the lives lost on both sides of the line. The 9-11-01 attacks that again changed our world as we know it. The lives lost in Benghazi, due to the stupidity of our leaders.

September brings the U.S. closer to the end of Obama's leadership. I pray that she don't get elected, and that Mr Trump does. The farmers are getting closer to the fall harvest, and thank god the road construction season is nearing an end. We have a major project near our town starting after the holiday for about two months. Some other projects around us are to finish in Oct. Nothing worse then going someplace and several roads are closed in the same area.

Praying for the safety of friends and family along the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts, and the mountain areas of those states. I have family in Orlando (oldest son), and Virginia. our friends in Jacksonville Fla, (Stephen and his family) Senior-Glock Mom and boys in N.C., Harry and his Wife in Georgia, and many others.

Well, I'm closing this edition, Stay Safe................Rob



hobo said...

Well said, Rob. A good time for reflection and to remind us to keep preparing for 'storms'.

Rob said...

Thanks hobo. I added a few small items to my storage, nothing major, but I fell better just the same. This weeks grocery run, i'm putting some of the shopping items just for stores, and not daily use.